Renegade Game Studios is bringing Kids on Bikes RPG to a board game titled The Snallygaster Situation: Kids on Bikes Board Game! Designed by Michael Addison and Jon Gilmour and art by Heather Vaughan and Scott O’Gara, this is a cooperative board game for 2-5 players. One player is the role of the Lost Kid who was kidnapped by the monster. The remaining players are searching for the Lost Kid while also trying to avoid the monster and the Federal Agents (Feds).
Each turn the Lost Kid pulls a card to provide clues to the other players on where to find them. Those clues may be street names, buildings, or landmarks. But, the card also dictates how the monsters and Feds move and attack on the board. The Lost Kid may have a solid clue for the players that could potentially lead them into getting attacked by the monster. If a player is attacked it sends them back to the Treehouse (home base) and moves the Doom Tracker (game timer) up. The players searching for the Lost Kid will use their Rides to get around town searching for clues, special items, and avoiding the monster and the Feds. If the players find the Lost Kid, they join up with the other players to defeat the monster.
The players searching for the Lost Kid have a variety of Rides to select such as Skateboard, Inline Skates, Dirt Bike, and Mountain Bike. Each Ride has its own unique power they can use during the game. There are four different monsters than can be used in The Snallygaster Situation including The Snallygaster, the Jersey Devil, a Dover Demon, and even Bloody Mary. Each monster has their own difficulty level and unique gameplay style.
The game is for ages 8 and up and can be played in about 45-60 minutes per session. No release date has been mentioned at this time.