Modiphius announced their online convention MODCon that will run from December 3rd to 6th, 2020. The event will run alongside the Dragonmeet convention having some shared panels and content to celebrate gaming with the community. Modiphius will be running panels and streaming games of their upcoming 2d20 Dune and Fallout RPGs. They are also teaming up with Guy Sclanders of How to be a Great GM on YouTube for a weekend of GM focused panels. MODCon panels start from 7 PM UK time each day on December 4th, 5th, and 6th on the Modiphius Twitch channel, with Dragonmeet’s panels running during the day on December 5th.
MODCon has partnered with Startplaying.Games for GMs and players to connect during the event. When you signup to run a game there will be a drop-down to select which event its part of – if you’re running a Modiphius game select MODCON and your session will appear on the official MODCon event page once we announce players can sign up and look for a game.
Sign up HERE to get updated info on MODCon as it’s released!